Some Charitable Activities of Masonic Organizations are: SHRINE 18 Children's Hospitals and 3 Burns Hospitals SCOTTISH RITE 25 Aphasia Clinics Americanization Program GROTTO Dentistry for the handicapped Aid to CP persons KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Eye Foundation and Scholarship Fund CRYPTIC MASONS Cystic Fibrosis Research Fund ROYAL ARCH MASONS Childhood Auditory Problems ORDER of EASTERN STAR Religious Training Scholarships ORDER of AMARANTH Diabetes Research WHITE SHRINE Grants to destitute persons
I was raised as a mason in Compass Lodge in Robbinsdale Minnesota in 1946. I have devoted a good share of my life in the company of my brothers. I am proud of them, the organization and the things we do. I am a Past Master to Compass Lodge #265 and Khurum Sunlight Lodge #112. I am printing the following for your information: A MASON A Mason is a man who professes a faith in God. As a Man of faith, he uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind. A Mason binds himself to like-minded men in a Brotherhood that transcends all ethnic, religious, social, cultural and educational differences. In fellowship with his Brothers, a Mason finds ways in which to serve his God, his family, his fellowman and his country. A Mason is dedicated. He recognizes his responsibility for justice, truth, charity, enlightenment, freedom and liberty, honesty and integrity in all aspects of human endeavor. A Mason is such a man. Both the Grand Lodge and the local Blue Lodges in Minnesota are actively involved in many charitable activities: * Over $1 million in college scholarships has been given by the Grand Lodge and the Blue Lodges. * The Masonic Cancer Center was given to the University of Minnesota by the Masons of Minnesota and an additional $5.7 million has been donated for staff and equipment. More than $20,000 is given each year to support the Veterans Hospital visitation program. Since 1983 the Masonic Lodges in Minnesota have donated hundreds of glucose monitors to Minnesota public schools for use by diabetic children. * The Minnesota Masonic Home provides lifetime care to elderly Masons, relatives of Masons and others who are not able to provide for themselves. * The Minnesota Masonic Foundation and the Ladd Fund are two Masonic non-profit organizations that fund or assist many of these charities. Masonry in the United States gives $2 million per day to charities.
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